Thursday, November 4, 2010

Silk Screen

This is my Silk Screen. I am happy with the way it turned out but in the future when i do something like this i would make sure that the photo i start with has more skin around my neck and shoulders so that i have a better effect of colour. Doing this assignment i learn to change the colour of a selected area. This will be useful for assignment in the future. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're having trouble posting your work. Remember to reduce the number of pixels from 300 to 150 and save it as a PNG if necessary.

    The main issue with this task is that your face is perfectly centred which is a bit boring. If it had been off centre (remember the rule of thirds) it would be more interesting.

    Explain you choice of colours. Purple and yellow are complimentary, which is why they look good together.
